Having escaped, Martin’s goes to see Calloway and is finally convinced of his friend’s pernicious penicillin racket. This famous Gothic church is the one visited by Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke in Before Sunrise. Sinister forces turn up obliging Martins once again to flee through the benighted ruins of the city, eventually hurrying down the wide flight of steps in front of the imposing Church of Maria am Gestade, Salvatorgasse 12 – which was just glimpsed as Dr Winkel left his house for the appointment on the bridge.

The Third Man location: Martins flees down the flight of steps: Church of Maria am Gestade, Salvatorgasse, Vienna, Austria The cemetery is vast but fortunately it's divided into small numbered sections and there are landmarks to help orient you – including the green dome of the central Charles Borromeo Church and the nearby Soviet Monument for the soldiers of the Red Army who died in the battle of Vienna in 1945.

The Zentral-Friedhof is also last resting place of György Ligeti (the avant-garde composer whose atonal music was made famous by Stanley Kubrick in 2001: A Space Odyssey), actors Curd Jürgens and Werner Krauss (the doctor in German Expressionist classic The Cabinet Of Dr Caligari), and pioneering film director GW Pabst. Music lovers can pay homage also at the graves of Schubert, the Strausses, Schoenberg and the much-maligned Antonio Salieri – supposed murderer of Mozart in Peter Shaffer's fanciful Amadeus. Lime is – apparently – being buried with the great and the good in Vienna’s Zentral-Friedhof, the Central Cemetery, Simmeringen Hauptstrasse in District 11.Ī deleted shot, intended to establish the locale, panned across the memorials of celeb internees Brahms and Beethoven. After the accident There are hints that a mysterious 'third man' was also present at the scene of the accident. Martins begins to suspect something fishy in the conflicting details of Lime's death. The Third Man filming location: Harry Lime is laid at the base of the statue after the road accident: Josefsplatz, Vienna, Austria Martins' immediate destination is Harry Lime’s living quarters, supposedly at ‘15 Stiftgasse’. Westbahnhof, from which he later goes to watch Anna Schmidt ( Alida Valli) leave, was the city’s major rail terminus (its more modern incarnation bookends Richard Linklater's 1995 romance, Before Sunrise, with Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke) until Wien Mitte was opened in 2015. Reed himself provides the gushing narrative as naive American writer of pulp Westerns Holly Martins ( Joseph Cotten) arrives by train at Westbahnhof on the promise of a job from his friend, the shady Harry Lime ( Orson Welles). The locale is established with a montage of Viennese landmarks, including the golden statue of Johann Strauss Jr in the Stadtpark, carved figures on the roof of the Parliament Building, the monument to Ludwig van Beethoven, Beethovenplatz on Lothringerstrasse opposite the Wiener Konzerthaus. The Third Man filming location: setting the scene – Vienna: Johann Strauss Jr statue, Stadtpark, Vienna, Austria